Various Books

Various books I might have read and found useful or interesting.

Tech - Programming

Clean Code RM
OpenGL ES 2.0 AM
Cryptogrpahy Engineering NF
Pragmatic Programmer AH
Refactoring MF
Design Patterns EG
Design & Evolution of C++ BS
I am error NA
Engineering at Google TW
Art of Multiprocessor Programming MH
DevOps For Dummies EF
DynamoDB Book AD

Tech - General

The Pheonix Project GK
Innovator's Dilemma CC
Masters of Doom DK
How to Win Friends & Influence People DC
Creativity, Inc. EC
Losing The Signal [Blackberry] JM
Operation Elop [Nokia] PN
Soul of a New Machine TK
Bad Blood [Theranos] JC
Rise of the Robots MF
Coders CT
Un Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination SF
Sideways: The City Google Couldn't Buy JO
Chip War CM


A Random Walk Down Wall Street BM
The Wealthy Barber DC
Chaos Monkeys AM
Flash Boys ML
Liar's Poker ML
The Man Who Solved The Market GZ
Devil's Coin JM
Psychology of Money MH

Other Non-Fiction

The Death and Life of the Great Lakes DE
Pure Invention MA
Talking to Canadians RM
The God Delusion CD
Down the Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales HM
One Giant Leap CF
Bossy Pants TF
The Nineties CK
Blind Man's Bluff SS
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck MM
The Lost City of the Monkey God DP
In the Heart of the Sea DP
Winnipeg 1912 JB
Why Nations Fail DA
American Made FS
Fast Girl SH
Into The Ragin Sea RS

Fiction - Science Fiction

A Deepness in the Sky VV
A Darkling Sea JC
Project Hail Mary AW
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet Series) JC
Warship (Black Fleet Trilogy) JS
The Martian AW
Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse Series) JC