Wexus2 0.20
Stock apps that can be started by app.ini.
Type ca.demko.file
Serves static files directory the user. Useful for .html, .jpg (and other images), etc.
Type ca.demko.redirect
Redirects some URLs to some other URLs. Useful for transitions and building permanent links.
Type ca.demko.blog
A simply web log (blog) server.
This will server all the markdown-formatted txt files in the appdir as blog entries. The filenames should be of the form YYYYMM_title.txt or YYYYMMDD_title.txt
See the wexusmarkdown reference for syntax.
Type ca.demko.wiki
A simple wiki server.
This will serve all the markdown formatted txt files in the appdir as wiki pages. The pages are then editable and old copies are stored in a directory.
See the wexusmarkdown reference for syntax.
A very simply app that reports the uptime and load of the machine.